Same day. Common day.
I don’t want to kill anymore, but I can’t.
It is not optional. I don’t have any choice. You know, I’m a lion.
Everybody knows a lion needs meat. Yes. That’s me.
But they are living, and they also have their family.
I don’t want to take their family. I don’t want to destroy them.
I am a pacifist. Nobody believes me, but I am.
It makes me sad, but I have to. I told I am a lion. I’m so sorry about that.
But you know what? You have to understand me.
Oh…I’m exhausted.
I didn’t kill anyone this week.
You know what I mean?
I didn’t eat a meat. I ate just a few leaves, but the taste was disgusting.
I hope I will like this someday.
I’m dying with hunger.
Well… I want to do a bath. It makes me comfortable, and after the bath, I can forget everything even though starving.
Oh my god… I’m still hungry. I need once more to take a bath.
Emm…? I feel my bathtub is getting bigger.
Where is my foot? Where is my finger? I can’t breathe… Oh, I can breathe now.
What’s wrong with me?
Now I feel comfortable and I’m not starving anymore.
I feel different when I breathe.
Whatever. I feel I’m flying now and I’m not hungry. That’s important.
Ohhhhhh...dear Full Empty brought me into this piece of fiction. I think I am in love with this lionfish...he is so kind and considerate...his sacrifice is killing interesting....